Leicester Market – The Hub Of Diversity

The dictionary definition of the word diversity is simply ‘the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something’.

With the fact that in the 2011 Census, Leicester was named as one of the most diverse cities in the UK, the definition does not really do the word justice – and nowhere is that apparent more than at Leicester Market.

The sheer hustle and bustle from all sorts of people from a wide variety of different backgrounds highlights the market as a hub of social and ethnic diversity and a marvellous place to spend an afternoon. The various products that can be picked up throughout the market itself also highlight that diversity throughout.

Underneath the low hum of the shoppers and quite possibly the occasional bellow from one of the many fruit and veg sellers present at the market revealing their latest offer, sits a friendly chatter between everyone.

All races, ages, sexualities, genders and nationalities head down to Leicester Market to see what it has to offer and everyone has a smile on their face. The fact that everyone no matter what can interact, joke and share how their day is going shows that the 800-year-old market still remains one of the landmarks of modern Leicester.

The diversity does not just end with the people though; the sheer amount of products on offer can justify that. There is the endless list of fruit and veg in the Outdoor Market, from the standard to the somewhat more exotic.

Then, the high quality cuts of all different types of meat and fish prepared by expert butchers in the Food Hall. There are also the clothes and electronic traders taking their position outside – there’s no end to the list of hidden treats you can pick up at the market.

To get a sample of the welcoming, family atmosphere of the city and potentially pick up a bargain, make sure you get down to Leicester Market.

Leicester Market is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday through to Saturday, with the Food Hall open from 8.00am to 5.00pm.

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